1. Get Postcode House Price Index (HPI)
Endpoint: GET /postcodeHPI
Description: Retrieves the average house price and transaction count for a given postcode and time period.
Query Parameters:
- postcode: The postcode to filter by.
- months: The number of months to look back from the current date.
Response Format: JSON array containing objects with the following properties:
- period: The date period in YYYY-MM format.
- average_price: The average price paid for properties in the specified postcode.
- transaction_count: The count of transactions in the specified postcode.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/postcodeHPI?postcode=N1&months=12
2. Get Interest Rates
Endpoint: GET /interestRates
Description: Retrieves interest rates for different Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratios for a given number of months.
Query Parameters:
- ltv: The Loan-to-Value ratio (e.g., '60', '75', '90').
- months: The number of months to look back from the current date.
Response Format: JSON array containing arrays with the following elements:
- date: The date of the interest rate.
- interestRate: The interest rate for the specified LTV.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/interestRates?ltv=75&months=12
3. Get Sales Values
Endpoint: GET /salesValues
Description: Retrieves property sales values for a given postcode, number of bedrooms, radius, and property type.
Query Parameters:
- postcode: The postcode to filter by.
- bedrooms: The number of bedrooms to filter by (optional).
- radius: The search radius in miles (optional).
- propertyType: The type of property (e.g., 'residential') (optional).
Response Format: JSON array containing arrays with the following elements:
- Sales statistics including the number of properties, median price, bottom quartile price, and top quartile price.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/salesValues?postcode=N11RU&bedrooms=3&radius=5&propertyType=residential
4. Get Rent Values
Endpoint: GET /rentValues
Description: Similar to /salesValues, but retrieves rent values instead of sales values.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/rentValues?postcode=N11RU&bedrooms=3&radius=5&propertyType=residential
5. Get Rent Demand
Endpoint: GET /rentDemand
Description: Retrieves rental demand statistics for a given postcode.
Query Parameters:
- postcode: The postcode to filter by.
Response Format: JSON array containing arrays with the following elements:
- Total properties for rent, average lets per month, and days on market.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/rentDemand?postcode=N11RU
6. Get Sales Demand
Endpoint: GET /salesDemand
Description: Similar to /rentDemand, but retrieves sales demand statistics instead of rental demand.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/salesDemand?postcode=N11RU
7. Get Planning Data
Endpoint: GET /planningData
Description: Retrieves planning data for mixed-use development within a given postcode, distance, cost, and number of results.
Query Parameters:
- postcode: The postcode to filter by.
- maxDistance: The maximum distance in kilometers.
- minCost: The minimum estimated construction cost.
- numResults: The number of results to return.
Response Format: JSON array containing arrays with the following elements:
- Address, distance, decided date, agent name, agency, estimated construction cost, residential units, and URL.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/planningData?postcode=N11RU&maxDistance=10&minCost=100000&numResults=5
8. Get Property Listings
Endpoint: GET /propertyListings
Description: Retrieves property listings for sale within a given postcode, number of bedrooms, new build status, and radius.
Query Parameters:
- postcode: The postcode to filter by.
- bedrooms: The number of bedrooms to filter by (optional).
- newBuild: Whether to filter by new build properties ('yes' or 'no') (optional).
- radius: The search radius in miles (optional).
Response Format: JSON array containing arrays with the following elements:
- Address, price, number of bedrooms, listing date, details URL, and floorplan URL.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/propertyListings?postcode=N11RU&bedrooms=3&newBuild=yes&radius=5
9. Get Population Ages
Endpoint: GET /populationAges
Description: Retrieves population age distribution for a given postcode.
Query Parameters:
- postcode: The postcode to filter by.
Response Format: JSON array containing arrays with the following elements:
- Age group and percentage of the population in that age group.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/populationAges?postcode=N11RU
10. Get Top Industries
Endpoint: GET /topIndustries
Description: Retrieves the top industries within a given postcode.
Query Parameters:
- postcode: The postcode to filter by.
Response Format: JSON array containing arrays with the following elements:
- Industry name and percentage of the population working in that industry.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/topIndustries?postcode=N11RU
11. Get Median Annual Salary
Endpoint: GET /medianAnnualSalary
Description: Retrieves the median annual salary for a given postcode.
Query Parameters:
- postcode: The postcode to filter by.
Response Format: JSON object containing the following property:
- medianSalary: The median annual salary.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/medianAnnualSalary?postcode=N11RU
12. Get Unemployment Rate
Endpoint: GET /unemploymentRate
Description: Retrieves the unemployment rate for a given postcode.
Query Parameters:
- postcode: The postcode to filter by.
Response Format: JSON object containing the following property:
- unemploymentRate: The unemployment rate as a percentage.
Example URL: https://xbtr.sebastiengrima1.repl.co/unemploymentRate?postcode=N11RU